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Financial Literacy for Students

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KINECT Generations Project

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Illuminated Mathematics

Promote math awareness through art, media and design

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პროექტი ,,შიდსთან ბრძოლა"

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, შიდსთან ბრძოლა, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, შიდსთან ბრძოლა, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


პროექტი " ჩემს კუთხეში გავრცელებული ქართული ენის დიალექტები"

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 14 - 18, Twenty-first century skills, Georgian Language and Literature, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


მოსწავლეთა თანამშრომლობა უკვე შესაძლებელია

AutoCollage, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


,,როგორ გავთბეთ ეკონომიურად და ეფექტურად"

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Biology, Mathematics (All), Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Project based learning (PBL)


"Organic substances around us"

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Chemistry Add-in for Word, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, ACDLABS 11.0/ChemSketh, DVDVideoSoft, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Chemistry, Digital/Media Literacy, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


PowerPoint - Εργαλείο Ιδεών

Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Articulate Storyline, Articulate Studio, iSpring Suite, SlideBoom, Weebly, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Digital/Media Literacy, Geography, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, ΤΠΕ, Διαθεματικότητα, PowerPoint, e-learning, Ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα μάθησης, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


ვკითხულობთ და გამოვსახავთ რიცხვებს

Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Worldwide Telescope, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Mathematics (All), Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, matematika I-VI klass, Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Phone, Other


ჩემი ფუმფულა მეგობარი

AutoCollage, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, photoshop, Classroom Management by Mythwere, Age 7 and below, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, PC, Project based learning (PBL)


Challenges in Learning Physics

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Logger Lite 1.3.2, Ages 14 - 18, Physics, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


O vacanta de vis

Skype, Windows 7, Skype, Ages 8 - 10, Citizenship, Geography, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Independent study


ცხოველები ჩვენს გარშემო ( Animals Around Us)

Microsoft PowerPoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, English as a second language (ESL), Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


ადამიანო,ნუ მეთაშები !

Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Biology, Environment, Language arts and literacy, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, ეკოლოგია, ჯანსაღი ცხოვრების წესის დამკვიდრება, გლობალური პრობლემები, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


,,ერთად ავიხდინოთ ოცნება"

AutoCollage, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Klassroom management by Mythwere, Internet, Age 7 and below, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Project based learning (PBL)


future makers

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, LiveWriter, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Microsoft web expression, Microsoft visio, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, microsoft, education, student, teacher, future, maker, office 2013, office365, photo, twenty one centenary skills, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, innovative, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Follow Your Dreams & Live Your Life

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Microsoft Publisher 2010, Ages 11 - 13, Health studies and personal safety, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


პროექტი ”მწერლობანა”

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Skype, Ages 14 - 18, Language arts and literacy, ლიტერატურა, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Other


,,მე ვარ ქართველი და მაშასადამე , ვარ ევროპელი”

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Photosynth, Ribbon Hero, SharedView, Skype, Windows 7, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, History, Collaboration, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Other, Project based learning (PBL)



Interactive Classroom, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Age 7 and below, Art / Design, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, პროექტი, ანდაზა, ანდაზები, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


El huerto Escolar 2.0; Los Cibernautas Agrícolas

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Photosynth, Skype, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study


პროექტი- გადავარჩინოთ კულტურის ძეგლები

Microsoft PowerPoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Project based learning (PBL)


’’ჯანსაღი ცხოვრების წესი(ნუ მოწევთ!)’’

Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, English as a second language (ESL), History, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, ESL, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


სტატისტიკა და მონაცემთა ანალიზი

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), სტატისტიკა, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Theme-based syllabus design: Teaching about British food

AutoCollage, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, SharePoint, Skype, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


"წასაშლელი კონსტრუქციები"

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Ages 14 - 18, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


ეძიებდე და ჰპოვებდე

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Biology, Chemistry, Geography, History, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Προς την ανάπτυξη ενός κώδικα αντί bullying

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



AutoCollage, Deep Zoom, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Environment, Geography, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


One Human, One Planet

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Biology, Citizenship, Computer Science, Environment, Music, Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Recycling, Positive attitudes, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Από το μέρος... στο όλον…

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Citizenship, Geography, Language arts and literacy, Physical Education, Technology/ICT, World Languages, Διαθεματικότητα, Συνδιδασκαλία, Αλληλοδιδασκαλία, Ικανότητες 21ου αιώνα, Γνώσεις, Δεξιότητες, Στάσεις και αξίες, Δραματοποίηση εννοιών, Ομαδοσυνεργατική προσέγγιση, PBL, Αναζήτηση στοιχείων, Μαθητικός Υπολογιστής, One Note, Χαρούμενοι μαθητές, Χαρούμενοι εκπαιδευτικοί, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Tablet, Direct instruction, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Διατυπώνω Σκέψεις, Υιοθετώ Στάσεις, Εκτελώ Πράξεις

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, History, Language arts and literacy, Music, Natural Sciences, Physics, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study


მათემატიკა მე–3 კლასში ისტ–ის გამოყენებით

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Worldwide Telescope, XNA Games Studio, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Digital/Media Literacy, Geography, Mathematics (All), Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Direct instruction, Other



AutoCollage, Kinect, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, XNA Games Studio, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Physics, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



AutoCollage, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows Photo Gallery, Age 7 and below, Art / Design, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Direct instruction


" we all are your sons , Egypt " كلنا .. أولادك يامصر

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, History, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



AutoCollage, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Small Basic, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, XNA Games Studio, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Physics, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



AutoCollage, Kinect, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Small Basic, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, XNA Games Studio, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Physics, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


სინათლის წრფივი გავრცელება

Bing™ Translator, Interactive Classroom, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 14 - 18, Physics, Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


Leonardo Da Vinci - Homo Universalis

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Moodle, Photo Story 3, Youtube, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Biology, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Health studies and personal safety, History, Mathematics (All), Natural Sciences, Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


Διευρύνοντας τους ορίζοντες της τάξης

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, internet explorer, windows media player, issuu, youtube, creative commons search, ταξίδι στον πολιτισμό, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Biology, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)
