Silver level
Published on 1/10/2012
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Learning objectives
- Critical Thinking
- Mathematics
- Digital Technologies
Art / Design
Digital/Media Literacy
Language arts and literacy
Mathematics (All)
Twenty-first century skills
21st Century Skills
Knowledge building & critical thinking
ICT for learning
Problem solving & innovation (creativity)
Student self-assessment
Instructional approach
Project based learning (PBL)
A curated multimedia exhibition entitled, “Illuminated Mathematics” produced by the 12th grade class of 2011. Students in Margaret Noble’s digital art class and David Stahnke’s math class were asked to find the beauty, humanity and intrigue behind math in history, philosophy and the applied arts. The goal was to promote math awareness through art, media and design. The event was hosted at the Sushi Performance and Visual Art Center on December 16th, 2010. Projects developed into an array of math abstractions and celebrations in the mediums of sound, video, animation, photography and interactive installation. The exhibition received press from NBC Channel 7 news, City Beat Magazine and the Voice of San Diego. Below you will find photos from the event, student projects and a list of research topics students were asked to explore. Also, links to rubrics and student handouts.
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