Challenges in Learning Physics

Gold level

Published on 6/13/2014

Learning objectives

  • What does Physics Means?
  • What is the studying object of Physics?
  • What does an experimental Science means?
Created for

Ages 14 - 18



21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

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Logger Lite 1.3.2

Required hardware




Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Direct instruction

Independent study

Learning activity details

First of all we meet online via Skype: Turkish students from Erzurum Türk Telekom Nurettin Topçu Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi with their teachers of Physics and English and Romanian students from Grigore Moisil National College with their teaches of Physics.
After this,we will proceed to present the experiments: thermodynamics, mechanics, optics, electricity.
One by one, the Romanian students presented them for their Turkish colleagues:steam turbine, pendulum motion, electric current, diffraction of light and microscopy.The Turkish students asked questions and calculate the gravitational acceleration in our lab by using the pendulum and the data from LoggerLite.
We prepared and apply a questionnaire regarding the relation of the students with Physics.
The Romanian students will complete their self-evaluation rubrics.

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