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El placer de viajar: Paseo guiado de la mano de MS Bing Maps

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Bing Search, Ages 14 - 18, Geography, History, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, PC, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ακτών 2012

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, SharedView, SharePoint, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Χρήση του Notebook, της πλοήγησης (Internet Explorer), της ηλεκτρονικής πλατφόρμας Course Management System(CMS), το πρόγραμμα Adobe Reader, τo PowerPoint 2010, το Word 2010, το OneNote 2010, το Publisher 2010, το πρόγραμμα «I can present» του WebTV, για το μοντάζ το Windows Movie Maker και το ivideo και το artsteps.com για τη δημιουργία της εικονικής έκθεσης., Age 7 and below, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, History, Music, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في تدريس مادة عملية

Chemistry Add-in for Word, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Photosynth, Small Basic, Songsmith®, TouchDevelop, Windows 7, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Worldwide Telescope, Ages 14 - 18, Environment, Natural Sciences, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


მე ვირჩევ სიცოცხლეს (ანტინარკოტიკული აქცია)

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, Interactive Classroom, Language Interface Packs, Live™ Mesh, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Photosynth, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Project based learning (PBL)


One-to-One Donate

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, StickySorter, Windows Movie Maker, Microsoft Publisher, Skydrive, Moodle, Timetoast Timeline, Wikispaces, Google Earth, Delicious.com, Wix.com, Movie Maker, Paint, Blogger, Photosynth, Hot Potatoes, Scratch, Pixton, MindMapple, Photoshop, Power Director, Glogster, Audacity, Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Google calendar, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Health studies and personal safety, Language arts and literacy, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, 1:1 learning, socio-economic crisis, bullying, blood donation, animal rights, human rights, Kolossi Medieval Castle, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


იცოცხლე და ნება მიეცი იცოცხლოს

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Windows 7, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study


Be healthy and Be hygiene

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Live™ Mesh, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Photosynth, Power Map, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Health studies and personal safety, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


The KINECT Generations Project

Community Clips, Kinect, LiveWriter, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Astronomy, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Physics, Religious Education, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Kinect, PC, Direct instruction, Project based learning (PBL)


ნიკო ნიკოლაძე - ფოთის ამაგდარი

Community Clips, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Photosynth, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Songsmith®, TouchDevelop, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, MS Office publisher, flashplayer, Internet, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, History, Language arts and literacy, Physics, Technology/ICT, ნიკო ნიკოლაძე, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


Bài dự thi GVST2015: Hướng dẫn HS xác định các mặt đối lập

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, GoAnimate, Ages 14 - 18, Citizenship, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


პროექტი " ჩემი სოფელი"

Community Clips, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics (All), Social Studies, მონაცემთა სტატისტიკური ანალიზი, პროექტი 'ჩემი სოფელი', დემოგრაფიული მოკვლევა, chemi sopeli, Collaboration, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Project based learning (PBL)


Kinect Olympics

AutoCollage, Kinect, LiveWriter, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, Ages 11 - 13, Biology, Physical Education, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Kinect, PC, Xbox, Other, Project based learning (PBL)


საგაკვეთილო პროექტი "ჩვენი მამული

Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Photosynth, SharedView, projector, Scanner, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, საზოგადოებრივი მეცნიერებები, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)



Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Mouse Mischief, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Ribbon Hero, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Songsmith®, StickySorter, TouchDevelop, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, XNA Games Studio, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science, English as a second language (ESL), Religious Education, Technology/ICT, World Languages, asdasd, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Sports and politics-- the story of cricket

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Windows 7, Ages 14 - 18, History, Social Studies, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


Who is the Winner.Parts of the body.Possessive Pronoun

Deep Zoom, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Radmin Server, Pinnacle Studio 15, Adobe Photoshop, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, English as a second language (ESL), Social Studies, Twenty-first century skills, Georgian leanguage, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


El Placer de viajar

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, bing search, socos en le..., micrososoft office, Ages 14 - 18, Geology, History, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, colaboracion, comunicacion, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, PC, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Sugar cubes

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Mouse Mischief, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Photo Story 3 for Windows, Adobe Photoshop, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Health studies and personal safety, Diabetes, Collaboration, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


“Social Heroes” an Action Research

Bing™ Translator, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Worldwide Telescope, XNA Games Studio, Ages 11 - 13, Citizenship, Computer Science, Environment, Health studies and personal safety, History, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, World Languages, Problemas Sociales, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



Kinect, Kodu™, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Skype, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Astronomy, Biology, Citizenship, Computer Science, Environment, Geography, Health studies and personal safety, History, Mathematics (All), Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Other, Project based learning (PBL)



AutoCollage, Community Clips, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, SharePoint, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Citizenship, Social Studies, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


A System of Systems - How our school works

Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Mathematics (All), Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, STEM, building design, Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


The Research Paper with a Purpose

Community Clips, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Bing, Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft Digital Image Suite, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Language arts and literacy, Social Studies, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Space is too close

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Mouse Mischief, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Worldwide Telescope, Photo Story, Facebook, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Astronomy, Computer Science, Environment, Geography, Geology, Music, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Science and engineering, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)



Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Tag, StickySorter, Windows 7, Ages 14 - 18, Technology/ICT, Infoxicación, curación de contenidos, Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Project based learning (PBL)


Breaking Barriers: Stereotypes, Prejudice, & Discrimination

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Skype, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 14 - 18, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Geography, History, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



Bing™ Maps, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Windows Movie Maker, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Geography, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Physics, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Communication and Digital Natives

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Geology, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, World Languages, Social Media, Learning, Teaching, Technology, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Citizenship, Computer Science, History, Language arts and literacy, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


KOLOSSI WEB-TV makes a difference!

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, ChronoZoom, Interactive Classroom, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, SharePoint, Skype, Songsmith®, StickySorter, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Moodle, Kizoa, Audacity, Animoto, Comic Life, Delicious, NoteBook, Wikispaces, Blogger, Wix, Glogster, Google Earth, Google calendar, Scratch, Hot Potatoes, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Geography, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Kinect Olympics - 2012

Kinect, LiveWriter, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Microsoft Access, Visual Studio 2010, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Music, Physical Education, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Xbox, Project based learning (PBL)


Windows Live™ SkyDrive для преподавателя.

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Chemistry Add-in for Word, Community Clips, Deep Zoom, Expressions® Encoder, Flashcards, InkSeine®, Interactive Classroom, Kinect, Kodu™, Language Interface Packs, Live™ Mesh, LiveWriter, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Mouse Mischief, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Ribbon Hero, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Songsmith®, StickySorter, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Worldwide Telescope, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Geology, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, PC, Tablet, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


21st Century Language and Literacy Learners

AutoCollage, Community Clips, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Microsoft Power point presentation, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Electronic white board, PC, Direct instruction, Other, Personalized learning


Kako se postaje pobednik - štednja i zdravi stilovi života

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Blog, Facebook, Gimp2, Ages 8 - 10, Technology/ICT, štednja, odgovorno zivljenje, zdravi stilovi života, finansijsko obrazovanje, performans, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Project based learning (PBL)

9/16/2013Serbian (Cyrillic)

El placer de viajar: Paseo guiado de la mano de MS Bing Maps

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Ages 14 - 18, Geography, History, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, PC, Other


თემა:“ჩვენ ვზრუნავთ გარემოზე“

AutoCollage, ChronoZoom, Deep Zoom, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Mouse Mischief, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Photosynth, Skype, TouchDevelop, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Age 7 and below, Ages 8 - 10, Geology, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Guernica and Democracy

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Deep Zoom, Flashcards, Kinect, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Cmap tools, My Montage, Publisher, Blogger, Wix, Facebook, You Tube, Augmented Reality, Photoshop, Wiki spaces, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Citizenship, History, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Spanish Civil War, Guernica, Picasso, Democracy, Freedom, Tolerance, Peace, Respect, Dialogue, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


Professional Development for the 21st Century

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, ChronoZoom, Community Clips, Flashcards, Kodu™, LiveWriter, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Ribbon Hero, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Worldwide Telescope, flip cameras, digital cameras, www.storybird.com, www.wikispaces.com, laptops, desktops, document cameras, projectors, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Geology, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, professional development, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Mobily Madrasati

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Chemistry Add-in for Word, Community Clips, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, moodle, CBB, reflector, doceri, Ages 14 - 18, Chemistry, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, The use of mobile phones and tablet in learning, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Personalized learning


apprendre autrement le français

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Chemistry Add-in for Word, ChronoZoom, Community Clips, Deep Zoom, Expressions® Encoder, Flashcards, InkSeine®, Interactive Classroom, Kinect, Kodu™, Language Interface Packs, Live™ Mesh, LiveWriter, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Mouse Mischief, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Ribbon Hero, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Songsmith®, StickySorter, TouchDevelop, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Worldwide Telescope, XNA Games Studio, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Geography, Geology, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Xbox, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)
