The Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) exam is a rigorous, valid and reliable competency-based professional certification. MCE enables educators to differentiate themselves in the education field, and enhance their value for current and future employers.
MCE focuses on an educator’s ability to integrate a variety of types of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) into their teaching practice to enhance student learning as well as their own professional development.
The MCE offers educators:
- Valid and reliable measurement of foundational educator ICT competencies.
- Standards mapped to the UNESCO ICT-CFT, Technology Literacy approach and ISTE Nets-T.
- Online learning curriculum available free on the Microsoft Educator Network or via IT Academy membership.
Want to take the Microsoft Certified Exam?
- Locate a Certiport testing center and then buy a MCE testing voucher through Certiport.
- Check to see if their school has subscribed to IT Academy in which case the school gets ten free MCE exams to distribute to its educators.
- Institutions can purchase a 250 volume MCE license through a Microsoft Reseller.