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The best way to view Khan Academy’s complete library of over 4,400 videos is using the Windows 8 App, on your Windows 8 device. Kahn Academy covers a massive number of topics, including K-12 math, science topics such as biology, chemistry, and physics, and even the humanities with tutorials on finance and history.
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Support and extend classroom learning
The Khan Academy app is a great way to support and extend learning beyond the classroom. Students can practice math skills and reinforce key concept. Curious students can learn anything from how the Krebs cycle works to the fundamentals of computer science, or how fire stick farming changed the landscape of Australia.
How to use
- Browse and watch thousands of videos using touch optimized experience
- Downloadable videos: take individual videos or entire playlists to watch offline at your own pace
- Search and share: use Windows charms to search videos and share using any app which can share
System Requirements
Windows 8, 32 bit
Windows 8, 64 bit
Windows RT