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Financial Literacy for Students

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KINECT Generations Project

Engage and inspire learners of all generations

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Foster a community of learners that are curious, ethical and empathetic with this creative learning activity

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Illuminated Mathematics

Promote math awareness through art, media and design

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პატარა მკვლევარები

Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Age 7 and below, Ages 8 - 10, English as a second language (ESL), Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Electronic white board, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Bài dự thi GVST2014:Ứng dụng CNTT vào giảng dạy lịch sử lớp9

Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Phần mềm cắt video (Total Video), phần mềm vẽ sơ đồ tư duy imindmap, macro media, flash play......, Ages 14 - 18, History, Collaboration, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Electronic white board, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning


Προς την ανάπτυξη ενός κώδικα αντί bullying

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Leonardo Da Vinci - Homo Universalis

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Moodle, Photo Story 3, Youtube, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Biology, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Health studies and personal safety, History, Mathematics (All), Natural Sciences, Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


Our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, silverlight, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science, English as a second language (ESL), Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, التعريف بشخصية تاريخية كرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



Flashcards, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, Adobe Presenter 7.0, Quick Time Player, Free MP3 Cutter cutter and Editer, Ages 14 - 18, Geography, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning


If I were a teacher

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Kodu™, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, StickySorter, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Worldwide Telescope, Age 7 and below, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Biology, History, Mathematics (All), Music, Physical Education, Physics, Technology/ICT, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction


Be healthy and Be hygiene

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Live™ Mesh, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Photosynth, Power Map, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Health studies and personal safety, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


If I were a teacher

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Flashcards, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Photosynth, Skype, Songsmith®, StickySorter, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Worldwide Telescope, photostory, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Astronomy, Citizenship, Mathematics (All), Music, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning


პროექტი ,,სიცოცხლის მდინარე''

Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows Movie Maker, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Prezi, itune, imovie, VideditorFree, www.Youtube.com, www.facebook.com, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Chemistry, Health studies and personal safety, Natural Sciences, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Direct instruction, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


მცენარე - მატერიალური კეთილდღეობის წყარო

Flashcards, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Ages 14 - 18, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, Electronic white board, Other


Multiply with Kodu game

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Kodu™, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Skype, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Computer Science, English as a second language (ESL), Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


One Race One World Project

Flashcards, Kinect, Kodu™, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Photosynth, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Citizenship, Geography, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Kinect, PC, Phone, Project based learning (PBL)


ნიკო ნიკოლაძე - ფოთის ამაგდარი

Community Clips, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Photosynth, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Songsmith®, TouchDevelop, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows MultiPoint Server, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, MS Office publisher, flashplayer, Internet, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, History, Language arts and literacy, Physics, Technology/ICT, ნიკო ნიკოლაძე, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Electronic white board, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Project based learning (PBL)


WaNna be STEMer .... WaNna be Zewail

Bing™ Translator, Chemistry Add-in for Word, Flashcards, Kodu™, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, TouchDevelop, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Facebook, Ages 14 - 18, Chemistry, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Mathematics (All), Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Engineering, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Project based learning (PBL)


მწვანე რევოლუცია და სასურსათო პრობლემა

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Geography, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Independent study, Other, Project based learning (PBL)


Le récit de vie.

Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, Deep Zoom, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Kodu™, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Word 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Math, Wiki space, Audacity, Face book doc/ groupe, yahoo mail / messenger, Montage, You tube, Gloster, Ages 14 - 18, Digital/Media Literacy, History, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Ģeometriskās figūras

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Kodu™, Microsoft Word, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Smart TV, Ages 8 - 10, Mathematics (All), Technology/ICT, World Languages, Collaboration, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning


პროექტი ,,ვიზრუნოთ გარემოზე"

Community Clips, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, პროექტორით ჩვენება, ფოტოების დაბეჭდვა, Ages 8 - 10, Biology, Language arts and literacy, Technology/ICT, ძებნა, კონსრუირება, პრეზენტაცია, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Endangered Animals:Teaching Vocabulary...the Microsoft Way!

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Photosynth, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Environment, Technology/ICT, World Languages, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Direct instruction, Project based learning (PBL)


City or Town -- მეგაპოლისი თუ პატარა ქალაქი

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, ციფრული ფოტო და ვიდეო აპარატები, მობილური ტელეფონი, კომპიუტერი, ჩიპი, დაფა, ცარცი, ლონდონის და ფოთის ფიზიკური და გეოგრაფიული რუკები, პლაკატები, სახელმძღვანელოები, workbook-ები, Ages 14 - 18, English as a second language (ESL), City or Town -- მეგაპოლისი თუ პატარა ქალაქი, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Project based learning (PBL)


Who is the Winner.Parts of the body.Possessive Pronoun

Deep Zoom, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, SharedView, SharePoint, Skype, Small Basic, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Radmin Server, Pinnacle Studio 15, Adobe Photoshop, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, English as a second language (ESL), Social Studies, Twenty-first century skills, Georgian leanguage, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Have Fun with ICT

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Live™ Mesh, LiveWriter, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Expression Web, vokis, wordpress, wikis, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, ict, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


English in Primary Schools

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Kinect, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Microsoft Paint, Microsoft Photostory, Microsoft Movie Maker, Microsoft Recorder, Ages 11 - 13, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Environment, Geography, Language arts and literacy, Music, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, ESL, EFL, English for brginners, English in Primary School, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


WaNna be STEMer .... WaNna be Zewail

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Chemistry Add-in for Word, Community Clips, Flashcards, Kodu™, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, TouchDevelop, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, facebook, Ages 14 - 18, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, English as a second language (ESL), Mathematics (All), Physical Education, Physics, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Project based learning (PBL)


Amigos sin fronteras

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Kinect, Kodu™, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Worldwide Telescope, Age 7 and below, Ages 8 - 10, Citizenship, Computer Science, Geography, History, Language arts and literacy, Social Studies, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages, Trabajo colaborativo, Skype, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Student self-assessment, PC, Project based learning (PBL)


Don't be Hook be Pan

AutoCollage, Deep Zoom, Flashcards, LiveWriter, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Facebook Docs, Ages 11 - 13, English as a second language (ESL), Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)

8/14/2013Macedonian (FYROM)

Simbolistica fierului

Flashcards, Microsoft Word, Windows 7, proProfs, wiki, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Chemistry, Citizenship, Geography, History, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Student self-assessment, PC, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning


Stop Global Warming

Community Clips, Flashcards, Kinect, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Windows 7, Ages 14 - 18, Language arts and literacy, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Project based learning (PBL)


Wake up world ( Extinction )

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Lync, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, photoshop, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Music, Natural Sciences, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


ჩიფსების თაობა

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, StickySorter, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Technology/ICT, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)



Bing™ Maps, Flashcards, Microsoft PowerPoint, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


El amor por la lectura en los tiempos de las TIC

Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Innovación, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Citizenship, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Language arts and literacy, Music, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, integración, Biblioteca "Colección Semilla", Gabriel García Márquez, Lectura y Escritura, Plan Nacional de Lectura y Escritura "Leer es mi cuento", Lectura al Parque, Macondo, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Personalized learning


Alishba Javaid

AutoCollage, Bing™ Maps, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Skype, 21 st century Design App, Fotor, Photosynth, Wikipedia, Windows Photo gallery, Mouse Miischief, You tube, Microsoft Publisher, Sticky sorter, Critical Thinking Teaching guide, Ages 11 - 13, Biology, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Environment, Geography, Health studies and personal safety, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Deforestation, plantation, pollution, environment, organic compounds, Toxicology, DDT pesticides, herbicides, Environment Impact Assessment(EIA, Environment Management System(EMS).I, ISO 9001, ISO14000, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


Money Matters matter – Financial Literacy for Students

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, Ages 14 - 18, Citizenship, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Financial literacy, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


Web-квест «Медиабезопасность»

AutoCollage, Bing™ Translator, Community Clips, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Office Add-in for Moodle™, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Ribbon Hero, Skype, Songsmith®, StickySorter, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Adobe Flash, Prezi, Пазлы онлайн, Облако слов онлайн, Dipiity, Realtimeboard, quatla, Orphus, Calameo, Foxit PDF Reader, MS Photo Gallery, Microsoft ICE, Image Composite Editor, Microsoft Photo Story 3, MS Photo Story, Фотоморфинг, MS Expression Encoder, LMS Moodle, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Health studies and personal safety, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, коллаборативное обучение, актуализаия теоретических иследований, трансляция актуализированных продуктивных навыков, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Direct instruction, Independent study, Other, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)


Computer Adventures to discover Mathematics

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Math Worksheet Generator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Songsmith®, StickySorter, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Mathematics (All), Music, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning, Project based learning (PBL)

9/30/2013Sesotho sa Leboa

Teaching Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

AutoCollage, Community Clips, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mouse Mischief, Partners in Learning Network, Skype, Songsmith®, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Windows® Live ™ Essentials, * You tube for videos, * Corel Draw and Photoshop, Go animate to create animated video, Content generator for making Flash game, Podcasts, blogs, Wikipedia, Blogspot, Blogger for making Blogs, Flipbook maker softwares for making Flash Flip books., Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Environment, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, CSR, Social Responsibility and ethics, Vaue based Learning, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, PC, Phone, Tablet, Project based learning (PBL)


Навчання педагогів хмарним сервісам

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, SharedView, Skype, StickySorter, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, Collaboration, Communication, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Student self-assessment, Electronic white board, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Personalized learning


ჩვენი წყარო - თეთრიწყარო

AutoCollage, Flashcards, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, SharePoint, Skype, Windows 7, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, ხელოვნება, ძეგლი, Windows 7, ისტორია, თეთრიწყარო, Collaboration, Communication, Global awareness & civic literacy, ICT for learning, Knowledge building & critical thinking, Problem solving & innovation (creativity), Student self-assessment, Kinect, PC, Phone, Tablet, Independent study, Other, Project based learning (PBL)
