The effect of chemical contamination on plants when using fe

Silver level

Published on 7/29/2013

Learning objectives

  • Analise the fertilizers
  • Analyse the residue of chemistry in plants.
  • The harm from eating chemical contamination vegetables.
Created for

Ages 14 - 18


Art / Design


Computer Science



Health studies and personal safety

Social Studies

Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills


Knowledge building & critical thinking

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Required hardware



Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Learning activity details

Dividing class into groups:
-Group 1: Analise the fertilizers, making presentation to introduce for their class.
-Group 2: Visit the City’s Food Safety Division, analyse the residue of chemistry in plants.
- Group 3: Visit the City’s Center for preventive medicine, report the harm from eating chemical contamination vegetables.
– Group 4: Design brochures, hats, logos, bandroles and call for saying No to the chemical contamination vegetables; Introduce people to classify the clean vegetables and the chemical contamination ones.
– Group 5: Make a video clip as a tutorial to grow clean vegetables and make home green manure for limiting the harm from chemical fertilizers.

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