Change- it is what they want to be remembered for.

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My students introduced me to a great motivational and inspirational speaker: Mike Smith. Mike Smith appeals to today's teens because as he say, he is the eternal teenager. He speaks of all the issues that kids face today, and in a very straight forward manner asks them to stop the negative behaviors, or teaches them how to life themselves up and overcome the bullying. In speaking with youth around the country Mike found that the thing most youth wanted to be remembered for was making a change. They want to be a part of a movement that will improve our world. So, how can we motivate our students to take action today to make a change? is there anything you do in your classroom or school to give the students an opportunity to be a part of change? My high school students in the US are working with second graders in Canada to discover how to make a change in our communities regarding environmental issues. Some ideas the students have had is to contact legislators, create movies to promote their topic, or start a club to make a difference. Whatever solution they chose it is most important that they follow through and know they can make a difference and be a part of change- even now. Please check out Mike Smith's website and video series, The Harbor. Videos include discussion starters to use with you class.

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