"Organic substances around us"

Gold level

Published on 10/25/2013

Learning objectives

  • The life of the understanding of the importance of chemistry, organic chemistry course in deepening knowledge. Biology course in know
  • The joint operation "technology" generation and analysis. Students must master the collaboration, communication, product creation, knowledge
Created for

Ages 14 - 18




Digital/Media Literacy

Twenty-first century skills

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Student self-assessment

Featured tools

Bing™ Translator

Chemistry Add-...

Interactive Cl...

Microsoft Offi...
Microsoft OneD...
Microsoft Powe...
Microsoft Word

Mouse Mischief

Partners in Le...

Windows 7
Windows Movie ...
Windows Photo ...

ACDLABS 11.0/C...


Required hardware


Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Personalized learning

Independent study

Learning activity details

Project themes that should be cultivate pupils in small groups, selected jointly for their interests. Three topics were chosen:
1. The fibers - the group decided to study the variety of natural and chemical fibers, their acceptance, production and use of the various areas of discussion. The students had to conduct historical research, when and why it is necessary to modify the natural materials of the chemical.
2. Chemistry digestion of food - we decided to explore the biology lesson material ( digestion system and cell vital activity ) to look at the chemical point of view . The chemistry course is studied for different classes of organic compounds (proteins , carbohydrates and fats ), digestion chemistry much more consideration . Diseases caused by disorders of the digestion process of review to ensure that everyone is aware of explain" proper nutrition pyramid.”
3. Vitamins - We decided to study what vitamins currently known about the function of the body, what kind of food contains these vitamins. As well as introduce their chemical composition and their abundance or deficiency diseases.
4. The objectives of the project.
Knowledge and experience in real-life application of skills development in the form of cooperative learning, which includes:
Growth of individual and group responsibility;
Stimulate pupils close relationship;
Socialization skills - skills, behavioral skills, in particular in small groups;
Joint work "technology" generation and analysis.
Students must master the communicative competencies such as:
Asking questions, listening, narrative
Elaboration of solutions
Respect for of others ideas and opinions
The ability to share another person's experience
The use of modern information and communication technologies
Expected Results:
Students must appreciate in the course of preparation of the project:
Critical approach to information and their own mental outlooksubmissions skills;
Creative tools;
Positive attitude towards learning in the subject area (Chemistry)
IT - The Use of Skills
Results / products, which can be created:
Collecting information using Internet resources;
Power Point-presentation of the three topic;
 Video recordings of the presentations and uploadit on a video portal;
 Collect samples of materials made from fibers studied, creation and presented the album, the album's collage of images;
Presented to the public before the products / submission;
Video recording;
The creation of a short essay about conference;
Wall paper;
A photo collage in progress of test about information provided ;
Web page of project;

Supporting resources

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