eJournal and Exchanges

Gold level

Published on 4/17/2013

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Learning objectives

  • Activities are focused on internet projects and also include international visits and exchanges between students, teachers and principals.
  • to increase knowledge and respect for different cultural values and to discuss issues with tolerance and respect
  • to fulfill higher responsibilities of global citizenship through increased knowledge of political, social, and economical organisations
Created for

Ages 11 - 13

Ages 14 - 18


Art / Design



Digital/Media Literacy




Language arts and literacy

Social Studies


Twenty-first century skills

World Languages

21st Century Skills



Knowledge building & critical thinking

Global awareness & civic literacy

ICT for learning

Problem solving & innovation (creativity)

Student self-assessment

Featured tools

Interactive Cl...

Microsoft OneD...
Microsoft Powe...
Microsoft Word
Windows 7
Windows Photo ...

Video Conference

eJournal Publi...

Required hardware



Instructional approach

Project based learning (PBL)

Learning activity details

In addition, EUMIND seeks:
to establish intercultural communication and learning, using English as the lingua franca, to inculcate in students a caring mind and to promote social responsibility, to develop students’ awareness of various environmental issues and to promote initiatives for a sustainable development, to understand the complex issues of poverty and actively help those living in impoverished conditions.

Supporting resources

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