Personalized gaming levels linked with child's ability and concept of Zone of proximal development

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The cognitive difference between current and potential development of child is Zone of Proximal Development. This development as hypothesized by Vygotsky (1986) is socially mediated by interaction with more capable peers or adults. In the context of digital games its Artificial Intelligence built into games that may be the more knowledgeable mentor. The secret of good digital game is that it hovers at the boundary of player’s competence and ability. Once game is mastered the problem solving fun disappears and thus no longer played. Similarly it’s frustrating to play if it’s too much challenging. This space where challenge is boring and where it is frustratingly challenging, must be carefully choreographed in a game’s architecture. A well-designed digital game rewards a player’s efforts and successes while continuing to challenge the player at his or her individual cognitive level. This space closely resembles Vygotsky's ZPD

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