
Collaboration using Windows 8

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Create 3D surface charts in Excel

Students can create a 3 dimensional visualization that can be rotated and explored from 2 dimensional map image.

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Song Smith

Songsmith®, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Music, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills

4/28/2013 Arabic

افتتاح مشروع لربط المناهج التعليمية

AutoCollage, Expressions® Encoder, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Photosynth, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18

3/9/2012 Arabic

اعمل حاجه من اجل الحفاظ على البيئه من التلوث

Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft PowerPoint, Ages 11 - 13, Natural Sciences, مصادر الطاقه, معنى التلوث, اسباب التلوث, تاثير التلوث على صحه الانسان, تاثير التلوث على الكرة الارضيه, اعمل حاجه من اجل الحفاظ على البيئه من التلوث

3/19/2012 Arabic

"В минуты затишья"

Community Clips, Language Interface Packs, Microsoft PowerPoint, Windows Photo Gallery, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, History, Technology/ICT, Великая Отечественная война, солдаты, отдых, бой, минуты затишья

4/8/2012 Russian

تعليمات التسجيل علي موقع شركاء في التعليم

Microsoft PowerPoint, All Teachers and different Subjects

2/15/2012 Arabic

"Девятому "В" посвящается..."

Windows 7, ProShow Producer, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Воспитательная работа

6/13/2012 Russian

How to Use Microsoft Translator for Your Web

Language Interface Packs, Microsoft PowerPoint, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science

2/18/2012 Arabic

البرنامج التدريبى للمعلم المبدع بالعريش

AutoCollage, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Word, Windows 8

3/15/2013 Arabic

"В гостях у 1 класса"

Windows 7, Pinnacle Studio 14, Age 7 and below, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, Technology/ICT, Воспитательная работа

6/13/2012 Russian

"Экскурсия по школе"

Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT

6/17/2012 Russian

[한국어]Photosynth 사용법 part1

Photosynth, Songsmith®, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Environment, Geography, History

2/9/2012 Korean

110 books

Windows 8, Language arts and literacy

8/16/2013 Azerbaijani

"ШКОЛА" Электронная школа видео 50 минут

AutoCollage, Expressions® Encoder, Flashcards, Interactive Classroom, Kodu™, LiveWriter, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Mathematics 4.0, Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Office Online, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Microsoft Tag, Microsoft Word, Microsoft® Reader, Partners in Learning Network, Photosynth, Skype, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Worldwide Telescope, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Art / Design, Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Citizenship, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, English as a second language (ESL), Environment, Geography, Geology, Health studies and personal safety, History, Language arts and literacy, Mathematics (All), Music, Natural Sciences, Physical Education, Physics, Religious Education, Social Studies, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills, World Languages

2/19/2013 Russian

"Михайловское от рассвета до заката"

Microsoft OneDrive, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 14 - 18, Art / Design, Environment, Geography, History, Religious Education, Twenty-first century skills, Пушкин, природа, пейзаж, красота

7/20/2012 Russian

¿Cómo encontrar tu meta?

Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 14 - 18, Citizenship, Twenty-first century skills, Rasgos profesionales, Actitudes profesionales, Definir una meta, ¿preguntas para encontrar tu meta?

3/11/2013 Spanish

Activitate extrascolara-chimie

Chemistry Add-in for Word, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Chemistry

2/18/2013 Romanian

photo album

Microsoft PowerPoint, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science

9/4/2013 Arabic

Uploading files to OneDrive

Microsoft OneDrive, Windows 7, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills

9/13/2014 English

Вебинар-МК "Экологический проект "Наша пища"

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft OneNote, Microsoft Word, Partners in Learning Network, Windows Movie Maker, Ages 14 - 18, Chemistry, Computer Science, Natural Sciences

5/30/2014 Russian

"The Earth - sound and colour"

Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, PowerPoint, Ages 11 - 13, Biology, Environment, Natural Sciences

2/16/2013 Romanian

"Шахтер - это звучит гордо!""

Windows 7, Microsoft Photostory 3, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Воспитательная работа

6/13/2012 Russian

discussion about Methodology

Skype, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, English as a second language (ESL)

11/18/2013 English

I am a little chemist

Chemistry Add-in for Word, Photosynth, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 11 - 13, Chemistry

2/18/2013 Romanian

lync web app vedio conferance

Microsoft Lync, Microsoft Office 365, Ages 14 - 18, Computer Science

4/29/2013 Arabic


Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft PhotoStory3, Technology/ICT

5/3/2013 Serbian

Вебинар-Мастер-класс "Звездное небо

Bing™ Maps, Microsoft PowerPoint, Partners in Learning Network, Windows Movie Maker, Worldwide Telescope, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Astronomy, History, Mathematics (All), Physics

3/19/2014 Russian

Вебинар-Мастер-класс. Инеса Эшба

Bing™ Maps, Microsoft PowerPoint, Partners in Learning Network, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environment, Language arts and literacy, Natural Sciences, Twenty-first century skills

4/11/2014 Russian

И вновь нас зовут дороги

Windows 7, Pinnacle Studio 14, Ages 14 - 18, Technology/ICT

5/24/2012 Russian

"Мій маленький всесвіт"

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Producer for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Ages 14 - 18, Biology, Health studies and personal safety, Natural Sciences

12/26/2013 Ukrainian

"Усадьба Жуковского"

Windows Movie Maker, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, History

11/22/2012 Russian

[KOREA] Office Mix - Advanced Course (Apps)

Office Mix, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Technology/ICT, office, mix, office mix

9/25/2014 Korean

[KOREA] Office Mix - Basic Course (Recording)

Office Mix, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Technology/ICT, office, mix, office mix

9/25/2014 Korean

[KOREA] The advantage of Windows tablet

Windows 8, Windows Tablet, Technology/ICT

6/12/2015 Korean

[KOREA] Useful programs of Windows tablet

Windows 8, Windows Tablet, Technology/ICT

6/13/2015 Korean

[한국어] 학교에서 오피스365의 SharePoint 를 활용하여 협업하기

Microsoft Office 365, SharePoint, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills

7/7/2012 Korean

[한국어] 교실에서 오피스365와 OneNote를 사용하는 방법

Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft OneNote, SharePoint, Age 7 and below, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Computer Science, Digital/Media Literacy, Technology/ICT, Twenty-first century skills

7/7/2012 Korean

[한국어]Photosynth 사용법 및 활용방안 part2

Photosynth, Ages 11 - 13, Ages 14 - 18, Ages 8 - 10, Environment, Geography, History

2/9/2012 Korean

«O Natal é...»

Windows 7, Windows Movie Maker, Windows Photo Gallery, Technology/ICT, Fotografia, Audiovisuais

5/8/2012 Portuguese

110 books-Bilasuvar Lycium

SharedView, Ages 14 - 18, Language arts and literacy

8/16/2013 Azerbaijani

110 books-Bilasuvar Lycium

SharedView, Language arts and literacy

8/27/2013 Azerbaijani