Small Basic

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Help your students start writing their first programs quickly and easily. With only 15 keywords and an inviting development environment, Small Basic is structured to help them succeed. Students who wish to advance their software development skills can also take advantage of Small Basic's online guides and e-books to help them move ahead.

Small Basic makes learning programming easy, fun, and interesting

Small Basic uses three easy concepts to teach beginning programming: Language, Environment and Libraries. The language is an early version of BASIC, but based on the modern.NET Framework platform. The development environment is rich in features, allowing students to become familiar with what professional programmers expect. Finally, the rich set of libraries helps ensure that students can have fun writing interesting programs.

With Small Basic, your students will be able to:

  • Create compelling programs quickly
  • Show success as their competency grows
  • Learn quickly with minimal programming concepts and limited keywords  
  • Access programming tools without being overwhelmed  
  • Enjoy their first experience when mastery is inevitable
  • Experience how easy it is to learn a programming language in a development environment
  • Build programming skills – Small Basic is a great first step to other development programming environments

System requirements:

  • Operating systems: Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
  • Software: Microsoft: .NET Framework 3.5 SP1


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