Silver level
Published on 3/17/2015
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Learning objectives
- To investigate the unknown substance by carrying out the experiments
- To identify a substance by performing activities such as research, discussion and presentation
Created for
Ages 11 - 13
Ages 14 - 18
Ages 8 - 10
Natural Sciences
21st Century Skills
Knowledge building & critical thinking
Global awareness & civic literacy
ICT for learning
Problem solving & innovation (creativity)
Required hardware
Instructional approach
Project based learning (PBL)
Personalized learning
Independent study
Form 4 students in my school that taking chemistry subject has problems in understanding and explain the role of water in show the acidic or alkaline properties of a substance.
This learning activity focus on how student experience fun and active learning in exploring the new knowledge and develop their basic knowledge one step forward about the role of water to show acidic properties. There are 3 parts in the activity learning.
Task will be conducted as below:
As an introduction, teacher shows students an interesting video to attract and develop students’ curiosity about the topic that will be explored by them.
~~~STAGE 1 : [3 Simple Experiment]
The materials and apparatus are prepared by teachers. Students are divided into small group about 3-4 students in each group. Worksheets are given to each student during carrying out the experiments. The experiments are carried out by students based on the instructions given in the worksheets. Students worked together in group and shared their responsibility whereas teacher acts as a facilitator during the activity.
:::Experiment 1: "WHO AM I?" :::
From this activity, students should be able to identify the substance given is an acid or an alkali based on the result or observation. Students are also given the opportunity to use some kind of acid-base indicator, litmus paper, pH paper and organic solvent to assist them in making the decision together whether the material they test it is an acid or not.
:::EXPERIMENT 2 & 3: "WHAT CAN I DO?":::
From this activity, students should be able to identify which solution (ethanoic acid in distilled water or organic solvent) can show acidic properties (act as an electrolyte and can undergoes acid reaction). In the experiment 2, all groups test how acid can act as an electrolyte in the process of electrolysis. While in the experiment 3, each group carried out different experiments to investigate the chemical properties of acid towards metal, metal oxide and metal carbonate. During the experiment, all group visited each other group in order to obtain the observation and information in respect of different experiments performed by each group.
For this stage, the 21stCL skills are collaborative and knowledge construction.
At this stage, based on the observations that are recorded by students in the worksheets, students in group are required to do a small research what happen actually during the experiment session. Then, the students are presented their research by using power point and any multimedia elements. Before that, students in group must show their presentation to teacher to make sure the content of presentation is capable for other students to understand and get correct information.Students are given time within a week to carry out the research and prepare a presentation. Each group are allowed to present for 10 minutes.
In this stage, the 21CL skills are knowledge construction, self-regulation and use of ICT for learning.
After the presentation, students are required to create comic about what they have learned during the activity whether in group or individually. Students are given permission to make as many comics that can be produced by them. Teacher monitors student creativity so that their artwork is not conflict with the learning content. Then, their creativity can be displayed to other students and teachers at school example during science week.
For this stage, the 21CL skill is skill communication.
However, there are a few obstacles when implementing the learning activities.Thus, the planned learning activities still continue. Student data as a result of this activity is not altered but the implementation of learning activities changed a little according to the obstacles encountered. More details on learning activities, challenges and the way the solution is available in supporting resources file.
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