Building Vision Across Your School

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glassesIn my previous three blog posts I've been exploring the question "why innovate?"

So by now you should have a compelling argument for adopting virtual learning environments in your school. Either to Build On Your Strengths, Address Compromises or to Improve Student Learning Outcomes. As a leader or driver in your school you have a vision for transformation through virtual learning but....

How do you build vision across your school?

1. The vision must be articulable and compelling.

Too often innovative uses of modern technology is introduced at a school without a clear and compelling articulable vision. An articulable vision should use language that teachers and parents are familiar with. For example, if you plan to introduce a virtual learning environment talk about it using the same language that you'd use talk about good classroom learning and teaching. Spend time making sure that there is consistency in the language used by all stakeholders as they articulate the vision.

2. Expectations must be clear and tangible.

The vision must answer the "why" question. It must clearly must clearly answer the "what's in it for me" question, for all stakeholders. What are the benefits for students? What are the benefits for teachers? What are the benefits for parents? The vision and innovation will be much more likely to spread quickly if there are tangible benefits for all.

3. Evidence must be measurable.

Finally for innovations to maintain momentum then there must be a clear way to measure the outputs. If you're using technology to build on your strengths, then how will you measure it's impact? Capture stories of how the innovation is realising the vision. Consider ways in which you can communicate and celebrate the innovation with the whole school community.

What do you believe are the essential elements for building a vision for innovation across your school? Please contribute your ideas using the comments.

This is the forth post in a series in this series. If you haven't read them already consider also reading the previous posts: Build On Your Strengths, Addressing Compromises By Using Virtual Learning and Improving Student Learning Outcomes.

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