Decide the theme and design for change

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The teachers and the students can project their views and identify the real issues and concerns in the community and bring a change for a better world.Diverse issues can be jotted down and the ideas can be implemented with systematic strategies.

I have taken an issue for 3 months as a project and thereby planned 4 issues per year. I have devised strategies to implement the same through brainstorming session and by informed choices of the students. So, active participation and motivation was evident in all the activities planned.

The topic for design for change was " Hi to Healthy food, Bye to Junk food" The key issue in our healthy life is our food habits. So, the students were sensitized to the need of inclusion of protective foods( vegetables and fruits) and avoidance of junk foods. The students were asked to do research on impact of daily consumption of junk food and importance of intake of healthy foods. The students were asked to adopt the healthy food habits. The students had brought healthy snacks everyday and inclusion of junk foods were substantially reduced. The students acted as the agents of change and they prompted the members of the family too.

I feel that I have achieved the desired impact of change. We are looking forward for another issue next month.

"WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE" We can light the fire of the attitudinal change.

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