Incorporating the creative process in day to day basis to yield effective learning outcome

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The Creative process allows the creation of new ideas and the solving of problems. The process can be strengthened by instilling a culture of inquiry. The students are allowed to ask questions, share discoveries and test theories. They are allowed to try their ideas or research their questions. The purpose of genuine conversations is not to elicit the right answer from children, but rather to open the door to constructing meaning together.

The questions can be "I am curious about…………………………………………………………………" "I wonder what would happen if…………………………………………………………………………"

"What do you know about………………………………………………………………………………………..?" "Can you tell me more about how you discovered……………………………………………………..? "etc. The teachers should respond to students’ answers and discoveries with encouragement and praise. The teachers should provide supportive learning environment to explore further. The process of preparation, imagination, development and action on a theme will direct the path of creativity towards effective learning outcome.

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