Working in PLCs can be easy!

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Sounds strange? Last year we had so many problems in finding time to meet each other for a conversation, consultation or discussion. This year we housed Office 365 for collaboration in PLC groups. And it works! Our focus this year is students‘ assessment and all teachers are looking for innovative ways to encourage their students to learn and evaluate their achievements. Therefore, it is very useful to share each other‘s experience, take the best practices and step forward towards the progress in this very difficult area of teachers‘ work – assessment.IMG_4369 During the first meetings online we formed the groups. Each PLC member had to create his/her own document about his/her ways of foremtive assessment. Taking into consideration, that PLCs are formed of teachers teaching different subjects the range of ideas is very wide. The documents are accessible only for the team members. In this way we can not only see how our partners work but also choose the best examples of provided practices to implement in our OWN work. sharing

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