Inspiration for Learning

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Appropriately named, Anne Frank Inspire Academy of San Antonio, Texas, is a whole new kind of charter school whose vision is best described by founding Superintendent Bruce Rockstroh. In his own words, “I am more committed than ever to build and design the exemplary 21st century school that will become a model for learning around the world.”

Paul Goldberger recently affirmed that ‘the place where people meet to seek the highest is holy ground’ and the Anne Frank Inspire Academy will become that place: a ‘Learning Building’ and community that will celebrate human aspiration and greatness.

The Anne Frank Inspire Academy is a Middle School that will open in 2013. It will feature a completely retooled education system supported by a state-of-the-art building and campus based on research and best international practice. It will be the first of over 100 schools to be developed by Inspire Academies, and my firm, FNI, is honored to serve as this Charter District’s Master Planner, Design Architect and Educational Consultant.

The school features all the best ideas about 21st century learning spaces, with flexible spaces that support multiple learning modalities. The question is, will great schools like this influence public school spaces?

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