Personalization Project: Week 5

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Twenty student leaders (2 teams of 4 and 2 teams of 6) have now completed their training and are about to receive their certificates. Each have demonstrated they possess the following skills
  • The ability to configure and set up their windows 8 tablet PC from out of the box
  • The ability to post a concern directly to our e-safety team anonymously if they hear of any student using the computers inappropriately
  • The ability to post regular chat and questions on our internal social network site. We use Edmodo for this All of our ICT support team and two members of staff are also signed up so receive a copy of every posting but other than that it is a closed site that can only be seen or commented on by those that have been invited.
  • The ability to post onto our live blog so that they can keep a live record of their research findings. To pass the certificate they had to post anything! So the blog has a lot of "hello" and "I'm logged in" type comments at present but we have around 4 posts on the technical category and two on the Apps category that are helpful already. The blog can be found at and if we have set it up correctly, should be open for comment only by our student researchers although I think you may be able to 'like' items. Our team have set up the blog as a way of gaining instant publication of ideas and each of the team members is charged with posting at least once a week to the section they have personal responsibility for.

    The launch Now that we have our first trained 'Tech research teams' we are ready to launch so on Wednesday next week we have invited parents to attend a launch event. Direcly after this, the first 62 students will receive their tablet PCs and will then have them for three weeks. The 'Tech research team' in each group will record good use of the devices by teachers, find technical solutions to problems they encounter, find ways of working well together as a team and find examples of 21st Century skills development.

    Your help I didn't want to open a public channel for connection of ideas to the students for obvious reasons but instead, I will be directing them to this blog so they can see any ideas or reactions from the PiL community. Any comments, helpful suggestions or ideas related to similar projects you are aware of or have tried in your own context would be very much appreciated. Those of you connecting to me by email, please let me know if you are happy for me to add your comments here too so others can benefit from your thoughts.

    I will end on a quote from a student on Edmodo in response to a post from a student called Jack who solved the problem of how to customise the start screen (on day 1 of the project). The language is in txt speak "Your already becoming a gr8 team coach ur team is gonna find u a lot of help". It is critical for personalisation to build in genuine collaboration at its core. Technology enables teachers and students to engage in the peer development of the essential skills that underpin this in new and exciting ways.

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