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Troy Thomson
Change Management & Culture of Innovation Microsoft Expert Educators from Australia & New Zealand come together. The weekend of October 11 & 12 saw 36 educators from Australia and 12 from New Zealand undertake an immersion program at Microsoft HQ - as the first group of Microsoft Expert Educators (ANZ). Powerful ideas, sharing of learning activities, developing transformational projects were just some of the events over the 2 days. The program launch has enabled educators to return to their schools inspired and empowered. I would be interested to know what were your key take aways, what are your goals now ...
Tony Bryant
Change Management & Culture of Innovation SILVERTON PS. LEARNING SPACES As the children of today become the adults of tomorrow they’ll be living in a vastly different world to the one we grew up in or experiencing at present. We know in the future they will need to be adaptable, creative, technologically savvy lifelong learners able to deal with rapid change. If we continue to deliver curriculum in the way we always have, we’ll fail to prepare them for the many challenges and opportunities they’ll face in the future. As educators it is our responsibility to ensure ...
Tony Bryant
Change Management & Culture of Innovation Are you a Leader or Manager? What are the Top Characteristics of an Effective School Leader? Most school systems claim to want to move from good to great, become world class, become a 21st century system, Getting past the cliches (and the fact that we’re 14 years into the 21st century already), effective implementation of these transformations/progressions requires progressive thinking and leadership. Doing things the way you’ve always done them is not going to vault you to a new status; it will maintain your current status. If you always do what you have always done you will always get...
Paul Cassar
Change Management & Culture of Innovation EXPOSURE TO EXCELLENCE School leadership is a 'hands on' demanding challenge characterised by daily complexity, crisis and total commitment. One can so easily be locked into a busy school calendar, never-ending meetings and local issues. School improvement, a transformational mindset and meaningful professional development require an intellectual curiosity beyond the walls of one's school. Reading, research and study open doors. Collaboration takes expertise to another level. But, nothing drives standards further and ...
Tony Bryant
Change Management & Culture of Innovation WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF WE ALL HAD THE CONFIDENCE TO TRY SOMETHING NEW? We know our students’ world is ever-changing so we can’t stand still. Today’s students want an education that meets their individual needs, and opportunities that connect them to what is happening around the globe. They challenge us to be innovative and to make learning environments more exciting, challenging and rewarding. Students inhabit a borderless world offering limitless connection, data and mobility. They can choose to access knowledge and participate in dialogue on a global scale. They ...
Tony Bryant
Change Management & Culture of Innovation What would it be like if we all had the confidence to try something new and different Our students’ world is ever-changing so we can’t and musn’t stand still. Today’s students want an education that meets their individual needs, and opportunities that connect them to what is happening around the globe. They challenge us to be innovative and to make learning environments more exciting, challenging and rewarding. Students inhabit a borderless world offering limitless connection, data and mobility. They can choose to access knowledge and participate in dialogue on a global scale. ...
Tony Bryant
Change Management & Culture of Innovation INNOVATION & 21CLD It is always interesting to explore the relationship between innovative teaching practices and the attainment of the skills referred to as 21st Century skills. These skills aren’t just about employability but are equally about creativity, socialisation and the ability to participate and contribute to contemporary society. The 21CLD (21st Century Learning Design) professional development package is built upon the findings of the global longitudinal research project. To look at the study in depth ...
Tony Bryant
Change Management & Culture of Innovation Developing a culture of innovation Being innovative is about looking beyond what we are currently doing well, identifying the great ideas of tomorrow and putting them into practice. That sound very simple and obvious to all, however what does this mean to us as educators and how can we develop this Culture of Innovation in our schools. What do we need to put in place in our schools to ensure this Culture is embedded into our practices? How can we change the ways our schools operate to support this? What are the Innovative ...