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Kevin Hoang
Workforce Skills Development A student's perspective on workforce skills and career development Q1: Introduce yourself (school, major, year) University of Washington Seattle, Information Systems and Marketing, Junior Q2: What do you think is the most important soft/hard skill? Why? I believe that communication is the most important soft skill. Communication wires and keeps everything in this place together. Without communication, it would be difficult to interact and build a better future. Q3: What industry do you see yourself in? Why? I see myself in an industry that focuses on ...
James Lengel
Workforce Skills Development Technology and the Workforce In 1900, 41% of the American workforce were farmers. On hundred years later, only 2% of the workforce was employed in this occupation. The technologies of mechanization, crop science, and irrigation changed the face of the workforce. The same thing is happening today: digital information technologies are putting many occupations out of business. In a recent , David Autor and David Dorn observe that The multi-trillionfold decline in the cost of computing since the 1970s has created enormous ...
James Lengel
Workforce Skills Development Workforce Skills Around the World: Canada We have seen in previous blogs how the workforce skills needed in Asia, Europe, and the United States share many important aspects. A new report from another quarter, the province of Ontario in Canada, adds some new perspectives to what some call the global skills gap. Entitled this report by the respected and apolitical stresses "the need to make skills work." The Board's list of is especially useful to educators as a guide to what's most important. Ontario serves as the economic hub of ...
Kelly Walsh
Workforce Skills Development Instructional Technologies can Help to Close the Growing Gap in Credentials Attainment and Required Workforce Skills In June I gave a breakout session at the UB Tech 2013 Conference focused on the crisis we are facing in the American educational system, and to some extent in schools across the globe. The crisis I refer to is the diminishing rate of attainment of higher education credentials and the increasing gap between skills needed in the work force and citizens equipped with those skills. Some of the underlying reasons for this widening gap include the high cost of education, inadequate retention and ...
James Lengel
Workforce Skills Development Writing skills for the modern workforce Among the most important workforce skills listed in just about every survey of employers around the world, is communication skills. And among these are speaking listening reading and writing. Let's look at one of these key skills, writing. Writing is important for every worker in just about every job category, to be able to communicate ideas to customers or to fellow employees. It's also an important skill for the citizen in the political sphere, or with relatives and friends. Right now there's ...
James Lengel
Workforce Skills Development Measuring Workforce Skills: Time, Rank, or Knowledge? Educators in the United States seem obsessed with measuring the skills of their students. We administer our own the and tests, the and , the National Assessment of Educational Progress, as well as the and the American students, schools, governments, and organizations spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year on these measurement schemes. We spend another chunk of millions to accredit schools and colleges to ensure they they are performing their duty. Do these schemes truly ensure the ...