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James Lengel
Workforce Skills Development The Hard Skills What set of skills does our future workforce need? Certainly they need to be able to read and write and think and compute and vote intelligently. But that's not enough. In this blog, we stand back and consider the whole picture. This includes the soft skills, those personal, social, and intellectual competencies that enable us to work together and to innovate, as described in a previous posting. But these soft skills alone will not build the workforce we need. The reality is that we will need in...
James Lengel
Workforce Skills Development A New Set of Skills Most people agree that to succeed in the 21st century, the next generation will need to develop a comprehensive set of skills that may be different from what we're currently teaching in school. These skills include: Gathering, synthesizing, and analyzing information. Working autonomously to a high standard with minimal supervision. Leading other autonomous workers through influence. Being creative and turning that creativity into action. Thinking critically and asking the right ...