There are 5 classes form 5 countries, 4 continents, with 3 different languages and 5 different social communities. Five teachers have created this project to connect students around the world and explore the different social and economic situations in each country. This project is created around The United Nations Millennium Development. Goal 1 Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger. Target #2: Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. Through this interactive project, the students will explore the world and learn about other countries and how to help students in that country. They will have the opportunity to learn about Brazil, Portugal, Switzerland, South Africa, and United States. What can I do? Who are you? How are you special? What are your interests? How is your country different from other countries? What can I do to change my community? How can you reach out to other students and share? The project works with a collective homepage on There is a bing translat widget included, so the students could work without languages boundaries. You could find the different tasks and a timeline in the PowerPoint presention in supporting resources. This learning activity is created on the Learn-a-thon at the Microsoft in Education Global Forum 2014 in Barcelona and it was awarded as 1st Runner Up (about poverty).
- The students will explore the world and learn about other countries and how to help students in that country.
- They will have the opportunity to learn about poverty and unemployment in Brazil, Portugal, Switzerland, South Africa, and United States.
- They can summarise the solutions by relating the solutions to unemployment and the skills need for jobs in the future.